Hard Row to Hoe

Good day to any who stumble across my blog. Some parts of the country are enjoying beautiful fall foliage, but here in the high desert of Idaho it looks more like the land is dying. Farmers try hard to keep that from happening in their fields, planting winter crops and losing the battle against noxious desert weeds. Such is rural life here.

Well, if you’ve read anything I’ve written recently you know I’m trying to return to my normal weight. Right at first things were moving in the right direction, but one ingredient in the supplement I was taking threw a monkey wrench into the works. Cayenne pepper. To most people that sounds innocent enough, but I have a little talked about condition called solanine toxicity. Suffice it say the weight came back on in inflammation.

Once I realized the severity of my situation I of course stopped the supplement. I have an order in for a Chinese herb called Schizandra. This is the only herb that’s said to help clear the toxicity from my system. As of today before my herb order arrives, my weight has begun to slowly fall down the scale again. How the Schizandra helps will be yet another boost. Live and learn remains as my best course of action.

In the interim I have adopted a beautiful new friend. She is said to be a purebred Sheltie, handed down from a breeder who rhomed her for being an independent sort who fought off the males in lieu of being bred. The result was a delightful pet for the country life. She loves to run and play and is the most affectionate little girl I’ve ever had. I call her Ùna, Gàidhlig for #1, and she has really taken to her name. Bad haircut aside, she is everything I could have hoped for in a dog.

Have a beautiful day. Ùna and my two older Shelties will be spending today at home on this my off day. Whether you spend it camping, fishing, hunting or picnicking with family, do it with joy. Life only happens once, so make the most of it. I will be home working on my book in progress.